Executive Director
Contact: gd@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
The Executive Director manages the business affairs at the Institute of Psychology. This office is usually held by a professor at the institute for a term length of two years.
Facility Manager
Contact: hausmeister@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
Our janitor is responsible for the care and maintenance of our buildings.
The Custodian, in cooperation with the elected Executive Directors, conducts the business of the Institute of Psychology. His duties include budget planning and monitoring, workload and capacity calculations, and communication between the institutes and the central administrative units of the university (ZUV). He also takes care of the quality assurance at the institute: He is the contact person of the students regarding the student QA funds, chairman of the QA-commission and responsible for the QA budget. In addition, our custodian fulfills numerous responsibilities, e.g. on the topics of security, energy and waste.
Examinations Office
Contact: pruefungsamt@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
The Examinations Office manages students' study status. The office accepts registration requests, enters examination results, and prepares transcripts of records.
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Examinations Board
Contact: pruefungsausschuss@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
The examination board ensures that the provisions of the examination regulations are observed and makes suggestions for reforming the curriculum and the examination regulations. It ensures that the certificates of achievement and subject examinations can be acquired or taken within the periods stipulated in these examination regulations. It appoints the examiners involved in the examinations as well as the assessors and is also the contact person in the event of violations.
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apl. Prof. Dr. Oliver Schilling
Stellvertretender Vorsitz pruefungsausschuss@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de -
Dr. Cornelia Eva Schwarze
Akademische Mitarbeiterinnen, Vertretung pruefungsausschuss@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Self-Regulation
Developmental Psychology
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Psychotherapeutic University Outpatient Clinic
Contact: hochschulambulanz@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
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Administrative Office
Contact: verwaltungssekretariat@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
The Administrative Office is responsible for general administrative matters of the Institute of Psychology. It is located on the first floor of the front building.
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Psychotherapeutic University Outpatient Clinic for Children and Adolescents (Altstadt)
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Psychotherapeutic University Outpatient Clinic for Children and Adolescents (Bergheim)
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The ERASMUS Program Coordination Office will answer all your questions regarding planned stays abroad.
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Student Advisory
The Student Advisory Service answers all questions concerning the study of psychology, advises you on the progress of your studies and provides mediation in the event of difficulties in your studies.
Tutor Statistics
Contact: methodenberatung@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
The Statistics tutor consulting service offers answers to inquiries about statistical methods in the context of your bachelor's or master's thesis. Please note that the they cannot answer inquiries about experimental designs or the programming of experiments. You will get the best help if you ask concrete questions in your request!
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Tutor Experimental and Theoretical Psychology
Tutor Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Contact: tutorenAO@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
The tutoring team of the workgroup Industrial and Organizational Psychology accompany and support students on the topics of learning, working and motivation.
Tutor Educational Psychology
BAföG representative
The BAföG officers will answer your questions about financing your studies within the framework of the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG).
Library - Lending
Contact: ausleihe@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
Contact us to externd your books' lending periods.
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Laboratory Assistant Developmental Psychology
Contact: entw-psta@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
Our Psychological Technical Assistant (PsTA) is responsible for coordinating studies and organizing the experimental laboratory of the Developmental Psychology Department.
Quality management
Contact: qualitaetsmanagement@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
Our quality manager takes care of quality and improvement of teaching at the Institute of Psychology. She answers questions about event evaluation, records suggestions for courses and the needs of students.
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Seminar registration service
Study Portal
Contact: studienportal@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
Register at our study portal to participate in psychological studies.
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Studierendenauswahlverfahren Psychologie Baden-Württemberg (STAV-Psych)
Contact: stav-psych@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
STAV-Psych BaWü (Student Selection Procedure Psychology Baden-Württemberg) is a new selection procedure for the bachelor's degree program in psychology at the following universities: Freiburg, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Tübingen and Ulm. Participation in the STAV-Psych can significantly increase your chances of being admitted to the Bachelor of Psychology program at the above-mentioned universities.
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Contact: alumni@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
The "Alumni Psychologici" were founded in 1999 as a section within the "Association of Friends of Heidelberg University". The Alumni Psychologici promote exchange and mutual contact between all those who once taught and studied at the Psychological Institute.
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Family Office
First aid
In emergency situations, the following people will help you. The following numbers are available for external emergency calls from any landline telephone without area code:
- Police: 110
- Fire Department: 112
- Technical Emergency: 4444
In Addition, Andreas Sokoll is available as a first aider for Bergheimer Str. 20.
First aid materials for first aiders are available in the following rooms:
- Front building: Caretaker's room (Room F024)
- Back building: Hausner/Hübgen secretary's office (room A114)
- Pavilion: Wüstenberg (Room P016)
Defibrillators are located at the following locations:
- GALERIA Heidelberg, Hauptstraße 28, 69117 Heidelberg
- Am Kurpfälzischen Museum, at the entrance to the ticket office, Hauptstraße 97, 69117 Heidelberg
- Kraus/Henschel multi-storey parking lot (P6), entrance Brunnengasse opposite the pay machine, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Der Fachrat entwickelt und koordiniert Vorschläge und Konzepte zu Studium, Lehre und damit verbundenen Aufgaben innerhalb des Faches Psychologie. Er unterstützt das Direktorium und die Fakultät bei der Erfüllung ihrer Aufgaben. Der Rat bespricht fachbezogen Themen wie das Lehrangebot, Prüfungsordnungen oder Evaluationen. Seine Mitglieder werden direkt gewählt oder sind kraft Amtes Mitglied. Er setzt sich in der Regel wie folgt zusammen:
- drei hauptberufliche Hochschullehrer*innen (dreifaches Stimmrecht)
- drei Vertreter*innen der Akademischen MitarbeiterInnen
- zwei Vertreter*innen aus Administration und Technik
- drei Studierende.
Fachräte gibt es in drei Fakultäten – der Philosophischen Fakultät, Neuphilologischen Fakultät sowie der Fakultät für Verhaltens- und Empirische Kulturwissenschaften.
- Informationen zum Fachrat auf den Seiten des Studierendenrates.
- Infos zum Fachrat in "Das Studium von A-Z"
- Unispiegel-Artikel zum Fachrat
apl. Prof. Dr. Oliver Schilling
Akademische Mitarbeiter*innen oliver.schilling@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de -
Dr. Jelena Sophie Siebert
Akademische Mitarbeiter*innen jelena.siebert@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de -
Peter Kulczynski
Mitarbeiter*innen Administration und Technik peter.kulczynski@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de -
Stefanie Glawe
Mitarbeiter*innen Administration und Technik stefanie.glawe@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de -
Hannah Neubauer
Mitarbeiter*innen Administration und Technik hannah.neubauer@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
Equal Opportunity Representatives
Contact: annette.hornbacher@eth.uni-heidelberg.de
The Equal Opportunity representatives are members of the faculty who are tasked with protecting employees from discrimination based on their gender, and enforcing the General Equal Treatment Act.
Prof. Dr. Annette Hornbacher Tel. +49 6221 / 54-2274 annette.hornbacher@eth.uni-heidelberg.de
PD Dr. Christina Roth (Stellvertreterin) Tel. +49 6221 / 54-4632 christina.roth@issw.uni-heidelberg.de
Student Body Council
Contact: fachschaft@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
Representatives of the student body (our student council) of the Insitute of Psychology represent the interests of all psychology students. They campaign for the improvement of the study program, create free and safe spaces and discuss the examination regulations, modulestructure and admission to studies. The members of the student council organize small and large events and ensure a good atmosphere at the institute.
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IT and Privacy
Department Privacy and Data Security Officer
Contact: it-support@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
The Department's Privacy and Data Security Officer will advise you on questions regarding data protection and data security in the context of studies and experiments as well as storage and management of data concerning institute facilities.
IT Office
Contact: it-support@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
Our IT Officers take care of the organization and administration of IT systems at the Psychological Institute. They advise the managing directors of the institute regarding IT and are responsible for the implementation of IT projects. They answers all questions regarding IT operations within the institution, both for members of the institution and for the University Computing Center (URZ).
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IT-Support Department
Contact: it-support@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
Contact our helpdesk when your devices are causing trouble. We'll be happy to help you set up and maintain your devices, take care of or help you with backups, and advise you if you want to purchase a new device.
Attention: Appointments are only scheduled via email: it-support[at]psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
Website Editorial Office
Contact: redaktion@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
We, the editorial team of the Psychological Institute, prepare content for the website and take care of the appealing presentation of the news articles. We also support you in moving your website from the old web server. We also translate content so that it can be read by visitors from all over the world.
If you would like to publish job offers, send us an e-mail. Please do not send us PDFs, but perma-links to offers in your job portal.
Technical office
Our technology representative supports the administration of the Institute of Psychology in ordering and accounting. He is your first point of contact for problems with lecture hall technology, copiers and printers and other equipment such as PCs or laptops.
In the event of problems in lecture halls and practice rooms, please contact him directly by telephone on 06221-547383. The call will be forwarded to his duty mobile phone.
Website administrator
Contact: it-support@psychologie.uni-heidelberg.de
Our webmaster takes care of the operation and content of the Institute's website. He accepts suggestions for improvement or questions in case of technical problems with the website and advises you if you want to provide a special web offer.
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