Prof. Dr. Tanja Bipp

Prof. Dr. Tanja ­ Bipp [✓]

Piktogramm der Rolle 'Fachrat'
Piktogramm der Rolle 'Fachrat'



Dienstzimmer: F121
Hauptstraße 47
69117 Heidelberg

  • Arbeitsmotivation
  • Effekt von Zielen
  • Persönlichkeit & Leistung im akademischen und beruflichen Bereich
  • Angewandte Diagnostik im Arbeitsleben
  • Arbeitsgestaltung, Job Crafting
  • Arbeit & Gesundheit, Rolle personeller Ressourcen
Veranstaltungen vergangener Semester finden Sie im LSF.

Akademischer Werdegang:

  • Seit April 2020: Professorin für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, Universität Heidelberg
  • 2015-2020: Professorin für Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie, Universität Würzburg
  • 2012-2015: Associate Professor Work & Organizational Psychology, Open Universiteit Nederland
  • 2007-2012: Assistant Professor Work & Organizational Psychology, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
  • 2006: Promotion (Dr. Phil.), Technische Universität Dortmund
  • 2001: Psychologie (Diplom), Universität Mannheim


  •  Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs); Fachgruppen Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik &  Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie
  • European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology ( EAWOP )
  • Academy of Management (AoM)
  • Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology ( SIOP )

Aktuelle Publikationen

· Bipp, T. & Walczok, M. (2024). The Paradoxical Effects of High Work Methods and Work Scheduling Autonomy. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie.
· Schelp, L. Bipp, T., Gado, S. & Daumiller, M. (2022). Fostering learning goals at work: The interplay of dispositional and workplace learning goal orientation and supervisor’s appraisal behavior. Psychological Reports
·   Wallmann-Sperlich, B., Bucksch, J., Lendt, C., Biallas, B., Bipp, T. & Froboese, I. (2024). Home office shift and sedentary behavior in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic: Descriptives and related socio-ecological correlates. Ergonomics, 67:1, 1-12. 
·   Walczok, M.Bipp, T. (2024). Investigating the effect of intelligent assistance systems on motivational work characteristics in assembly. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 35, 1949–1962.
·   Bipp, T. & Zacher, H. (2022). Individual differences at work. In H. Zacher & U. Lehmann-Willenbrock (Eds). Work, Organizational, and Business Psychology (p. 63-77). Kohlhammer Verlag.
·   Beinicke, A., & Bipp, T. (2022) (Hrsg.). Strategische Personalentwicklung – psychologische, pädagogische und betriebswirtschaftliche Kernthemen. 2. Auflage. Buch in der Reihe „Meet the Experts“ (Herausgeber der Reihe: B. Spinath). Heidelberg: Springer.
·   Schelp, L., Bipp , T., & van Dam, K. (2022). Interaction effect of dispositional and workplace goals on occupational self-efficacy and negative affect. Journal of Personnel Psychology , 21 (3), 14-159.
·   Ebert, T. & Bipp , T. (2022). Tomayto, tomahto? An empirical comparison and integration of job crafting perspectives. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 38(4), 307-319.
·   Oberländer, M. & Bipp , T. (2022). Do digital competencies and social support boost work engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic? Computers in Human Behavior, 130, 107127,
·   Gado, S., Kempen, R. , Lingelbach, K., & Bipp , T. (2022). Artificial Intelligence in Psychology: How Can We Enable Psychology Students to Accept and Use Artificial Intelligence? Psychology Learning & Teaching (PLAT) , 21(1), 37-56.
·   Bipp , T., Kleingeld, P.A.M. & Schelp, L. (2021). Achievement goals as drivers of work engagement. Psychological Reports, 124 (5), 2180-2202 .
·   Castille, C. M., Oswald. F., Marin. S., & Bipp , T. (2020). Credibility multipliers: Simple yet effective tactics for practicing open science principles. TIP Column. TIP Articel - SIOP
·   Theis, L., & Bipp , T. (2020). Workplace goal orientation: Construct and criterion-related validity at work. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 36 (2) , 399-409.
·   Bipp , T., Kleingeld, P.A.M. & Snijders, C.C. (2020). Aberrant personality tendencies and academic success throughout engineering education. Journal of Personality, 88 (2) , 201-216.
·   Oberländer, M. , Beinicke, A., & Bipp , T. (2020). Digital competencies: A review of the lite-rature and applications in the workplace. Computers & Education, 146, 103752.
·   Bipp, T., Kleingeld, P.A.M., & Ebert, T. (2019). Core self-evaluations as person-related resource for motivation and health. Personality and Individual Differences, Special Issue “Healthy Organizations”, 151, 109556.

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