Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wrzus

Prof. Dr. Cornelia ­ Wrzus [✓]

Piktogramm der Rolle 'Fachrat'



Dienstzimmer: R 032
Bergheimer Straße 20
69115 Heidelberg

Der Fokus meiner Forschung liegt auf der sozio-emotionalen und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung im Erwachsenenalter und Alter.

Weitere aktuelle Forschungsprojekte sind unter Projekte beschrieben.

Meine Publikationen finden sich über Google Scholar oder auf ResearchGate

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Veranstaltungen vergangener Semester finden Sie im LSF.

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  Ausgewählte Publikationen

  • Wrzus, C., & Neubauer, A. (2023). Ecological momentary assessments: A meta-analysis on designs, samples, and compliance across research fields. Assessment, 30(3), 825–846.
  • Bühler, J., Mund, M., Neyer, F. J., & Wrzus, C. (2022). Age differences in transactions between personality traits and relationship events in three nationally representative samples. Journal of Personality, , 92, 202221.
  • Weststrate, N. M., Jayawickreme, E., & Wrzus, C. (2022). Advancing a three-tier personality framework for posttraumatic growth. European Journal of Personality, 36(4), 704-725. doi: 10.1177/08902070211062327
  • Wrzus, C., Luong, G., Wagner, G. G., & Riediger, M. (2021). Longitudinal coupling of momentary stress reactivity and trait neuroticism: Specificity of states, traits, and age period. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121(3), 691-706 .
  • Quintus, M., Egloff, B., & Wrzus, C. (2020). Daily life processes predict long-term development in explicit and implicit representations of Big Five traits: Testing predictions from the TESSERA framework. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
  • Wrzus, C., & Roberts, B. W. (2017). Processes of personality development in adulthood: The TESSERA framework. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 21 , 253-277.
  • Wrzus, C., Wagner, G. G., & Riediger, M. (2016). Personality-situation-transactions from adolescence to old age. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110 , 782-799.
  • Wrzus, C., & Mehl, M. R. (2015). Lab and/or field? Measuring personality processes and their social consequences. European Journal of Personality, 29 , 250–271.
  • Wrzus, C., Hänel, M., Wagner, J., & Neyer, F. J. (2013). Social network change and life events across the lifespan: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 139 , 53-80.

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