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Forschung > DFG-Projekt SMT > SMT-Manual > SMT-Manual: Summary

SMT-Manual: Summary


In the research project "Neuropsychological diagnosis of planning competence based on scripts" (funded by the German Research Foundation), the video-based "Skript-Monitoring-Test" (SMT) was conceptualized and developed during the last two years. The test allows for a diagnosis of planning competence in the neuropsychological context. Based on our studies of an earlier version (the script "making coffee"), we have planned the collection of an extensive set of videos for 13 everyday-life scripts. From this set, we selected those scenes which gave precise information about the specific script knowledge of a test person.

The purpose of the present report is to inform users of this test procedure about the test's application, as well as about the interpretation of test results. We also provide important background information about the structural conception and the construction of the test. In detail, we report about the construction of two parallel long versions of the SMT, each of which contains 5 scenes for each of 12 scripts, and about the construction of a short version (SMT-K) that contains only 6 scripts with 3 scenes per script and that allows for an economical use. We also present the results of the empirical tests of the SMT which were the basis for the construction of the SMT-K. Finally, we provide instructions for the application of the SMT-K and for the interpretation of test results.

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BMFT project Complex problem solving
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DFG-Projekt SMT
 SMT-Manual: Kapitel 1
 SMT-Manual: Kapitel 3
 SMT-Manual: Kapitel 2
 SMT-Manual: Kapitel 4
 SMT-Manual: Kapitel 5
 SMT-Manual: Danksagung
 SMT-Manual: Literaturverzeichnis
 SMT-Manual: Summary
 SMT-Manual: Zusammenfassung
DFG-Projekt Kompetenzdiagnostik
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Internet Research
KOGNI Program Description
Forschungsthema: Neuropsychologie
Complex Problem Solving: Research Principles
Research on Complex Problem Solving (Komplexes Problemlösen)
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