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Forschung > Plan-a-Day > Plan-a-Day ACT-R model

Plan-a-Day ACT-R model

In our attempt to model the planning processes of subjects working on the task Plan-a-Day (PAD), an ACT-R model has been developed by Stefani Nellen.

THE PAD is a computer-based interactive task which was designed to measure and analyze the quality and characteristics of people’s planning behavior, their choice, modification and abundance of different strategies, and ultimately the efficacy of these stategies. Providing only minimum feedback, PAD allows for the subjects to reconsider and change their strategies. Thus, the resulting data mirror the vast variety of planning behavior. This includes (e.g.) biases towards certain strategies, the effects of mistakes past, and the (in)ability to learn from them, and also, to a lesser degree, motivational differences.

Our model describes this variety of strategies by modelling them (and their results) within the framework of the ACT theory (using the ACT-Environment, version 4.0). It is our ambition to provide a procedurally detailed, and plausible, yet theoretically still general account of subject’s cognitive and actual performance while working on PAD.

The interface from PAD (i.e., what subjects see on the screen of their PC) can be seen here, together with a short excerpt from the instruction.


Nellen, S., & Funke, J. (in preparation). Modeling the “Aktualgenese” of a plan: Eavesdropping on the planning process.

ACT-R Source Code

(defvar *level*)

(defvar *moni* nil)

(defvar *expl* nil)

(defparameter *possible* t)

(defvar *model-data* nil)

(defvar *move-sequence* nil)

(defvar *subtask-list* nil)

(defvar *collection* nil)

(defparameter *systime* 0)

(defparameter *time-est* 0)

(defun firstseq (lis) (car lis))

(defun firstsubtask (lis) (car (firstseq lis)))

(defun lastseq (lis) (car (reverse lis)))

(defun modifications (lis) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (- (length x) 1)) lis))

(defun sequence-length (lis) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (truncate (my-mean (mapcar #'length x)))) lis))

(defun mod-ms (mod ms) (mapcar #'- mod ms))

(defun switch-count (lis) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (- (apply #'+ (maplist #'(lambda (y) (if (not (equal (caar y) (caadr y))) 1 0)) x)) 1)) lis))

(defun map-remove-cars (lis) (defun remove-car (lis) (remove-if #'(lambda (i) (equal i 'car)) lis)) (defun remove-all-cars (lis) (mapcar #'remove-car lis)) (mapcar #'remove-all-cars lis))

(defun how-often-sequence-of-this-length? (elem lis) (defun compare (el lis) (cond ((endp lis) 0) ((= (car lis) el) (+ 1 (compare el (cdr lis)))) (t (compare el (cdr lis))))) (let ((lengthmapping (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (mapcar #'length x)) lis))) (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (compare elem y)) lengthmapping)))

(defun sequences-of-each-length (n lis) (dotimes (i (+ 1 n)) (format t "~%~%Number of sequences of length ~s" i) (my-display (how-often-sequence-of-this-length? i lis))))

(defun my-member (item lis) (cond ((endp lis) nil) ((equal item (car lis)) t) (t (member item (cdr lis)))))

(defun map-repetition-counter (lis) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply #'+ (maplist #'(lambda (x) (if (my-member (car x) (cdr x)) 1 0)) x))) lis))

(defun first-last (subtask solution) (let ((temp (append *moni* *expl*))) (apply '+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (and (equal (firstsubtask x) subtask) (equal (lastseq x) solution)) 1 0)) temp))))

(defun seq-last (seq solution) (let* ((concat (append *moni* *expl*)) (temp (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (equal (lastseq x) solution)) concat))) (print temp) (print concat) (apply '+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (and (my-member seq x) (equal (lastseq x) solution)) (defun repetitions () (let* ((concat (append *moni* *expl*)) (temp (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (>= (length x) 2)) concat))) (print concat) (print temp) (apply '+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (equal (lastseq x) (cadr (reverse x))) 1 0)) temp))))

(defun firsts (subtask) (format t "~%Number of monitorers who chose ~s as first subtask: ~s" subtask (apply '+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (equal (firstsubtask x) subtask) 1 0)) *moni*))) (format t "~%Number of Explorers who chose ~s as first subtask: ~s" subtask (apply '+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (equal (firstsubtask x) subtask) 1 0)) *expl*)))))

(defun length-of-last-sequence () (my-display (append (mapcar #'length (mapcar #'lastseq *moni*)) (mapcar #'length (mapcar #'lastseq *expl*)))))

(defun undone-subtasks () (swm isa subtask status nil))

(defun undo-move (t1 t2 t3) (decf *systime* (+ t1 t2 t3)) (pop *subtask-list*))

(defun undo-move-car (t1 t2 t3) (decf *systime* (+ t1 t2 t3)) (pop *subtask-list*) (pop *subtask-list*))

(defun undo-monitoring (t1 t2 t3) (decf *time-est* (+ T1 T2 T3)))

(defun update-moves () (if (consp *subtask-list*) (push *subtask-list* *move-sequence*)))

(defun number-of-undone-subtasks () (length (no-output (swm isa subtask status nil))))

(defun count-correction (lis) (if (member 'car lis) (- (length lis) 1) (length lis)))

(defun show-moves () (mapcar #'reverse (reverse *move-sequence*)))

(defun show-model-data () (mapcar #'reverse (reverse *model-data*)))

(defun update-selection (subtask distance) (push subtask *subtask-list*) (incf *systime* distance ))

(defun update-selection-car (subtask distance) (push 'car *subtask-list*) (push subtask *subtask-list*) (incf *systime* distance ))

(defun mental-update-selection (subtask distance) (push subtask *collection*) (incf *time-est* distance ))

(defun calculate-wait (start-time) (if (equal *level* 'execute) (let ((result (- start-time *systime*))) (if (< result 0) 0 result)) (let ((result (- start-time *time-est*))) (if (< result 0) 0 result)))) (defun print-state () (format t "~%Systime: ~17d, Possible: ~4a, State: ~s" (truncate *systime*) *possible* (reverse *subtask-list*))) (defun monitoring-state () (format t "~%Time-est: ~17d, Possible?: ~4a, State: ~s" (truncate *time-est*) *possible* (reverse *collection*))) (defun execute? () (if (equal *level* 'execute) T nil)) (defun monitoring? () (if (equal *level* 'im) T nil)) (defun revert-to-monitoring () (setf *level* 'im) (setf *time-est* *systime*)) (defun execute-now () (setf *level* 'execute) (setf *collection* nil)) (defun priority-check () (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'priority)) (no-output (swm isa subtask status nil)))) (defun done-the-important-stuff? () (not (member 1 (priority-check)))) (defun impossible-subtask-chunk () (let* ((items (no-output (swm isa subtask status nil)))) (dolist (x items) (when (< (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'end-time) *systime*) (return x))))) (defun impossible-subtask-priority-chunk () (let* ((items (no-output (swm isa subtask status nil)))) (dolist (x items) (when (and (< (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'end-time) *systime*) (< (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'priority) 3)) (return x))))) (defun is-possible? (end-time) (>= end-time *systime*))

(defun is-possible-in-the-brain? (end-time) (>= end-time *time-est*))

(defun my-mean (list) (let ((count 0)) (dolist (x list) (incf count x)) (/ count (length list))))

(defun convert-timepoints (lis) (let* ((newlis (reverse lis)) (start 0) (result nil)) (dolist (x newlis) (push (- x start) result) (setf start x)) (reverse result)))

(defun test-run-1 () (reset) (sgp :v nil) (setf *possible* t) (setf *subtask-list* nil) (setf *systime* 0) (setf *time-est* 0) (setf *move-sequence* nil) (run) (sgp :v t) (push (mapcar #'reverse (reverse *move-sequence*)) *model-data*) (show-moves))

(defun my-display (lis) (format t "~%mean: ~s" (truncate (my-mean lis))) (format t "~%max.: ~s" (apply #'max lis)) (format t "~%min.: ~s" (apply #'min lis)))

(defun model-test (n) (setf *model-data* nil) (dotimes (i n) (test-run-1)) (format t "~%~%Number of repetitions") (my-display (map-repetition-counter *model-data*)) (format t "~%~%Repetitions of last two subtasks") (my-display (repetition-counter-last-two *model-data*)) (format t "~%~%Repetitions-of-first-two-subtasks") (my-display (repetition-counter-first-two *model-data*)) (format t "~%~%Number of switches") (my-display (switch-count *model-data*)) (format t "~%~%Sequence-length") (my-display (sequence-length *model-data*)) (terpri) (show-model-data))

(defun find-best-st () (let* ((items (no-output (swm isa subtask status nil))) (best (list (first items))) (best-score (chunk-slot-value-fct (first items) 'start-time))) (dolist (x (rest items)) (cond ((equal best-score (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'start-time)) (push x best)) ((< (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'start-time) best-score) (setf best-score (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'start-time)) (setf best (list x))))) (cond ((equal (length best) 1) (first best)) (t (elt best (random (length best))))))) (defun find-best-et () (let* ((items (no-output (swm isa subtask status nil))) (best (list (first items))) (best-score (chunk-slot-value-fct (first items) 'end-time))) (dolist (x (rest items)) (cond ((equal best-score (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'end-time)) (push x best)) ((and (< (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'end-time) best-score) (<= *systime* (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'end-time))) (setf best-score (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'start-time)) (setf best (list x))))) (cond ((< best-score 0) nil) ((= (length best) 1) (first best)) (t (elt best (random (length best))))))) (defun find-best-priority () (let* ((items (no-output (swm isa subtask status nil))) (best (list (first items))) (best-score (chunk-slot-value-fct (first items) 'priority))) (dolist (x (rest items)) (cond ((equal best-score (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'priority)) (push x best)) ((< (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'priority) best-score) (setf best-score (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'priority)) (setf best (list x))))) (cond ((equal (length best) 1) (first best)) (t (elt best (random (length best))))))) (defun find-best-start-time-priority () (let* ((items (no-output (swm isa subtask status nil))) (best (list (first items))) (best-score (chunk-slot-value-fct (first items) 'priority))) (dolist (x (rest items)) (cond ((equal best-score (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'priority)) (push x best)) ((< (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'priority) best-score) (setf best-score (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'priority)) (setf best (list x))))) (cond ((equal (length best) 1) (first best)) (t (elt best (random (length best))))))) (defun find-best-start-time-distance () (let ((items (no-output (swm isa subtask status nil))) (current (chunk-slot-value-fct 'foo 'name)) (best nil) (best-score 9999)) (dolist (x items) (let* ((distance-fact (first (no-output (funcall #'swm-fct `(isa distance-fact subtask1 ,current subtask2 ,x))))) (distance (chunk-slot-value-fct distance-fact 'distance))) (cond ((equal best-score distance) (push x best)) ((< distance best-score) (setf best-score distance) (setf best (list x)))))) (cond ((equal (length best) 1) (first best)) (t (elt best (random (length best))))))) (defun max-distance (start-location) (let* ((items (no-output (funcall #'swm-fct `(isa distance-fact subtask1 ,start-location))))) (setf items (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (not (null (chunk-slot-value-fct (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'subtask2) 'status)))) items)) (let ((best-score (chunk-slot-value-fct (first items) 'distance))) (dolist (x (rest items)) (when (> (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'distance) best-score) (setf best-score (chunk-slot-value-fct x 'distance)))) best-score)))

(defun find-best (type) (case type (start-time (find-best-st)) (end-time (find-best-et)) (priority (find-best-priority)) (start-time-d (find-best-start-time-distance)) (start-time-p (find-best-start-time-priority))))

(defun pick-new-strategy (old) (let ((items (remove old '(start-time end-time priority start-time-d start-time-p)))) (elt items (random (length items)))))


(sgp :era t :er t :ol nil :egs 0.5 :rt 0.0)

(sgp :pct nil)

(chunk-type distance-fact subtask1 subtask2 distance) (chunk-type subtask name start-time end-time priority duration status travel from how waiting effective-duration) (chunk-type apply-st main-type subtype temp) (chunk-type current-point name) (chunk-type icp name) (chunk-type update-selection subtask) (chunk-type imaginary-update-selection subtask) (chunk-type imaginary-update-selection-car subtask) (chunk-type update-selection-car subtask) (chunk-type evaluation subtask) (chunk-type pre-evaluation subtask) (chunk-type pad status strategy prev-strategy size) (chunk-type undo-move subtask level) (chunk-type reorder s1 s2 level) (chunk-type undo-multiple count level) (chunk-type update-multiple subtasks prev count success) (chunk-type car status)

(add-dm (start-time ISA chunk) (k ISA subtask end-time 180 name k start-time 180 priority 1 duration 60) (l ISA subtask end-time 135 name l start-time 0 priority 2 duration 10) (s ISA subtask end-time 360 name s start-time 60 priority 3 duration 10) (v ISA subtask end-time 270 name v start-time 0 duration 90 priority 1) (d ISA subtask end-time 360 name d start-time 0 duration 90 priority 1) (foo ISA current-point name b) (pittsburgh ISA icp name b) (car ISA car status nil) (b-d ISA distance-fact subtask1 b subtask2 d distance 64) (b-k ISA distance-fact subtask1 b subtask2 k distance 76) (b-l ISA distance-fact subtask1 b subtask2 l distance 40) (b-s ISA distance-fact subtask1 b subtask2 s distance 26) (b-v ISA distance-fact subtask1 b subtask2 v distance 21) (l-v ISA distance-fact subtask1 l subtask2 v distance 38) (l-d ISA distance-fact subtask1 l subtask2 d distance 25) (l-s ISA distance-fact subtask1 l subtask2 s distance 14) (l-k ISA distance-fact subtask1 l subtask2 k distance 36) (v-l ISA distance-fact subtask1 v subtask2 l distance 38) (v-k ISA distance-fact subtask1 v subtask2 k distance 74) (v-s ISA distance-fact subtask1 v subtask2 s distance 24) (v-d ISA distance-fact subtask1 v subtask2 d distance 62) (d-k ISA distance-fact subtask1 d subtask2 k distance 12) (d-l ISA distance-fact subtask1 d subtask2 l distance 25) (d-s ISA distance-fact subtask1 d subtask2 s distance 39) (d-v ISA distance-fact subtask1 d subtask2 v distance 62) (s-d ISA distance-fact subtask1 s subtask2 d distance 39) (s-l ISA distance-fact subtask1 s subtask2 l distance 14) (s-v ISA distance-fact subtask1 s subtask2 v distance 24) (s-k ISA distance-fact subtask1 s subtask2 k distance 50) (k-l ISA distance-fact subtask1 k subtask2 l distance 36) (k-s ISA distance-fact subtask1 k subtask2 s distance 50) (k-v ISA distance-fact subtask1 k subtask2 v distance 74) (k-d ISA distance-fact subtask1 k subtask2 d distance 12) (goal ISA pad strategy no-strategy prev-strategy no-strategy size 5))

(P pick-any-strategy =goal> ISA pad strategy no-strategy !eval! *possible* !eval! (monitoring?) ==> =goal> strategy (!eval! (pick-new-strategy nil)) )

(P revert-to-monitoring =goal> ISA pad strategy =strategy =co> ISA current-point name =name =icp> ISA icp name =othername !eval! (execute?) !eval! *possible* ==> !eval! (revert-to-monitoring) =goal> strategy (!eval! (pick-new-strategy =strategy)) =icp> name =name )

(P start-execute-one-subtask =goal> ISA pad !eval! *possible* !eval! (monitoring?) !eval! (= (count-correction *collection*) 1) ==> =newgoal> ISA update-multiple subtasks (!eval! (reverse *collection*)) prev nil count (!eval! (count-correction *collection*)) !eval! (execute-now) !push! =newgoal )

(P start-execute-two-subtasks =goal> ISA pad !eval! *possible* !eval! (= (count-correction *collection*) 2) !eval! (monitoring?) ==> =newgoal> ISA update-multiple subtasks (!eval! (reverse *collection*)) prev nil count (!eval! (count-correction *collection*)) !eval! (execute-now) !push! =newgoal )

(P start-execute-three-subtasks =goal> ISA pad !eval! *possible* !eval! (= (count-correction *collection*) 3) !eval! (monitoring?) ==> =newgoal> ISA update-multiple subtasks (!eval! (reverse *collection*)) prev nil count (!eval! (count-correction *collection*)) !eval! (execute-now) !push! =newgoal )

(P start-execute-four-subtasks =goal> ISA pad !eval! *possible* !eval! (= (count-correction *collection*) 4) !eval! (monitoring?) ==> =newgoal> ISA update-multiple subtasks (!eval! (reverse *collection*)) prev nil count (!eval! (count-correction *collection*)) !eval! (execute-now) !push! =newgoal )

(P start-execute-remember-failure =goal> ISA pad !eval! *possible* !eval! (consp *collection*) =experience> ISA update-multiple subtasks =subtasks prev =prev success no !eval! (equal (append (reverse =prev) =subtasks) *collection*) ==> =newgoal> ISA undo-multiple level imagine count (!eval! (count-correction *collection*)) !push! =newgoal )

(P task-done =goal> ISA pad size =size !eval! (equal (length *subtask-list*) =size) !eval! *possible* ==> !pop! !output! ( yes we are done!) !eval! (update-moves) )

(P task-done-enough-lazy =goal> ISA pad !eval! (<= (number-of-undone-subtasks) 2) !eval! (consp *move-sequence*) ==> !pop! !output! ( i have done enough) !eval! (update-moves) )

(P task-done-enough-pragmatic =goal> ISA pad !eval! (= (number-of-undone-subtasks) 1) !eval! (done-the-important-stuff?) !eval! (consp *move-sequence*) ==> !pop! !output! ( i have done enough) !eval! (update-moves) )

(P task-dome-also-quite-pragmatic =goal> ISA pad !eval! (>= (length *move-sequence*) 2) ==> !pop! !output! ( i do not want anymore) !eval! (update-moves) )

(P task-give-up =goal> ISA pad ==> !pop! !output! ( i hate this damn task) !eval! (update-moves) )

(P task-stop-discard-irrelevant-subtask =goal> ISA pad size =size =cp> ISA current-point name =s1 =s1> ISA subtask priority 3 status selected !eval! (not *possible*) ==> !pop! !output! ( f*** the secretary) !eval! (update-moves) )

(P task-stop-discard-last-subtask =goal> ISA pad size =size !eval! (= 1 (number-of-undone-subtasks)) =cp> ISA current-point name =s1 =s1> ISA subtask status selected !eval! *possible* ==> !pop! !output! ( f*** the ***) !eval! (update-moves) )

(P task-stop-discard-subtask =goal> ISA pad size =size !eval! (= 1 (number-of-undone-subtasks)) =cp> ISA current-point name =s1 =s1> ISA subtask status selected !eval! (not *possible*) ==> !pop! !output! ( f*** whatever comes after) !eval! (update-moves) )

(P pick-start-time-strategy =goal> ISA pad strategy start-time !eval! *possible* !eval! (monitoring?) ==> =goal> strategy start-time =apply-strategy-goal> ISA apply-st main-type start-time !push! =apply-strategy-goal )

(P pick-start-time-priority-strategy =goal> ISA pad strategy start-time-p !eval! *possible* !eval! (monitoring?) ==> =goal> strategy start-time-p =apply-strategy-goal> ISA apply-st main-type start-time subtype priority !push! =apply-strategy-goal )

(P pick-start-time-distance-strategy =goal> ISA pad strategy start-time-d !eval! *possible* !eval! (monitoring?) ==> =goal> strategy start-time-d =apply-strategy-goal> ISA apply-st main-type start-time subtype distance !push! =apply-strategy-goal )

(P pick-end-time-strategy =goal> ISA pad strategy end-time !eval! *possible* !eval! (monitoring?) ==> =goal> strategy end-time =apply-strategy-goal> ISA apply-st main-type end-time !push! =apply-strategy-goal )

(P pick-priority-strategy =goal> ISA pad strategy priority !eval! *possible* !eval! (monitoring?) ==> =goal> strategy priority =apply-strategy-goal> ISA apply-st main-type priority !push! =apply-strategy-goal )

(P pick-crossover-when-failed =goal> ISA pad strategy =strategy - strategy crossover !eval! (not *possible*) !eval! (execute?) !eval! (>= (count-correction *subtask-list*) 2) ==> =goal> strategy crossover prev-strategy =strategy =reorder> ISA reorder s1 nil s2 nil !push! =reorder !eval! (update-moves) )

(P pick-crossover-when-failed-imaginary =goal> ISA pad strategy =strategy - strategy crossover !eval! (not *possible*) !eval! (monitoring?) !eval! (>= (count-correction *collection*) 2) ==> =goal> strategy crossover prev-strategy =strategy =reorder> ISA reorder level imagine s1 nil s2 nil !push! =reorder )

(P time-economy-normal =goal> ISA pad !bind! =s2 (impossible-subtask-chunk) !eval! *possible* !eval! (execute?) ==> =newgoal> ISA update-selection subtask =s2 !push! =newgoal =undo> ISA undo-move !push! =undo !eval! (update-moves) )

(P time-economy-imaginary =goal> ISA pad !bind! =s2 (impossible-subtask-chunk) !eval! *possible* !eval! (consp *collection*) !eval! (monitoring?) ==> =newgoal> ISA imaginary-update-selection subtask =s2 !push! =newgoal =undo> ISA undo-move level imagine !push! =undo )

(P time-economy-priority =goal> ISA pad !bind! =s2 (impossible-subtask-priority-chunk) !eval! *possible* !eval! (execute?) ==> =newgoal> ISA update-selection subtask =s2 !push! =newgoal =undo> ISA undo-move !push! =undo !eval! (update-moves) )

(P time-economy-priority-imaginary =goal> ISA pad !bind! =s2 (impossible-subtask-priority-chunk) !eval! *possible* !eval! (consp *collection*) !eval! (monitoring?) ==> =newgoal> ISA imaginary-update-selection subtask =s2 !push! =newgoal =undo> ISA undo-move level imagine !push! =undo )

(P use-car-when-sophisticated =goal> ISA pad strategy =strategy =cp> ISA current-point name =s1 =s1> ISA subtask from =from travel =distance =car> ISA car - status nolongeravailable !eval! (execute?) !eval! (equal =distance (max-distance =from)) ==> =new-goal> ISA apply-st main-type use-car subtype =strategy !push! =new-goal )

(P use-car-when-sophisticated-imagine =goal> ISA pad strategy =strategy !eval! (monitoring?) =icp> ISA icp name =s1 =s1> ISA subtask from =from travel =distance =car> ISA car status nil !eval! (equal =distance (max-distance =from)) ==> =new-goal> ISA apply-st main-type use-car subtype =strategy temp imagine !push! =new-goal )

(P use-car-when-failed =goal> ISA pad strategy =strategy =car> ISA car status nil - status nolongeravailable !eval! (not *possible*) !eval! (execute?) ==> =new-goal> ISA apply-st main-type use-car subtype simple !push! =new-goal !eval! (update-moves) )

(P use-car-when-failed-imagine =goal> ISA pad strategy =strategy !eval! (monitoring?) =car> ISA car status nil !eval! (not *possible*) ==> =new-goal> ISA apply-st main-type use-car subtype simple temp imagine !push! =new-goal )

(P continue-with-previous-after-use-car =goal> ISA pad strategy use-car prev-strategy =previous !eval! *possible* ==> =goal> strategy =previous prev-strategy use-car )

(P continue-with-different-after-use-car =goal> ISA pad strategy use-car prev-strategy =previous !eval! *possible* ==> =goal> strategy (!eval! (pick-new-strategy =previous)) prev-strategy use-car )

(P switch-to-new-strategy-when-failed-crossover =goal> ISA pad prev-strategy =prev-strat strategy crossover !eval! (not *possible*) !eval! (execute?) ==> =goal> strategy (!eval! (pick-new-strategy =prev-strat)) prev-strategy crossover =new-undo-m> ISA undo-multiple count (!eval! (count-correction *subtask-list*)) !eval! (update-moves) !push! =new-undo-m )

(P switch-to-new-strategy-when-failed-crossover-imaginary =goal> ISA pad prev-strategy =prev-strat strategy crossover !eval! (monitoring?) !eval! (not *possible*) ==> =goal> strategy (!eval! (pick-new-strategy =prev-strat)) prev-strategy crossover =new-undo-m> ISA undo-multiple level imagine count (!eval! (count-correction *collection*)) !push! =new-undo-m )

(P switch-to-new-strategy-when-failed-generic =goal> ISA pad strategy =strategy !eval! (not *possible*) !eval! (execute?) ==> =goal> strategy (!eval! (pick-new-strategy =strategy)) prev-strategy =strategy =new-undo-m> ISA undo-multiple count (!eval! (count-correction *subtask-list*)) !eval! (update-moves) !push! =new-undo-m )

(P switch-to-new-strategy-when-failed-generic-imaginary =goal> ISA pad strategy =strategy !eval! (monitoring?) !eval! (not *possible*) ==> =goal> strategy (!eval! (pick-new-strategy =strategy)) prev-strategy =strategy =new-undo-m> ISA undo-multiple level imagine count (!eval! (count-correction *collection*)) !push! =new-undo-m )

(P switch-generic =goal> ISA pad strategy =strategy !eval! *possible* !eval! (execute?) !eval! (consp *move-sequence*) ==> =goal> strategy (!eval! (pick-new-strategy =strategy)) prev-strategy =strategy =new-undo-m> ISA undo-multiple count (!eval! (count-correction *subtask-list*)) !eval! (update-moves) !push! =new-undo-m )

(P switch-generic-imaginary =goal> ISA pad strategy =strategy !eval! (monitoring?) !eval! (consp *collection*) !eval! *possible* ==> =goal> strategy (!eval! (pick-new-strategy =strategy)) prev-strategy =strategy =new-undo-m> ISA undo-multiple level imagine count (!eval! (count-correction *collection*)) !push! =new-undo-m )

(P apply-strategy-start-time =goal> ISA apply-st main-type start-time subtype nil =s1> ISA subtask status nil ==> !bind! =best (find-best 'start-time) =newgoal> ISA imaginary-update-selection subtask =best !focus-on! =newgoal )

(P apply-strategy-start-time-with-car =goal> ISA apply-st main-type use-car subtype start-time =s1> ISA subtask status nil ==> !bind! =best (find-best 'start-time) =newgoal> ISA imaginary-update-selection-car subtask =best !focus-on! =newgoal )

(P apply-strategy-start-time-priority =goal> ISA apply-st main-type start-time subtype priority =s1> ISA subtask status nil ==> !bind! =best (find-best 'start-time-p) =newgoal> ISA imaginary-update-selection subtask =best !focus-on! =newgoal )

(P apply-strategy-start-time-priority-with-car =goal> ISA apply-st main-type use-car subtype start-time-p =s1> ISA subtask status nil ==> !bind! =best (find-best 'start-time-p) =newgoal> ISA imaginary-update-selection-car subtask =best !focus-on! =newgoal )

(P apply-strategy-start-time-distance =goal> ISA apply-st main-type start-time subtype distance =icp> ISA icp name =current =s1> ISA subtask status nil ==> !bind! =best (find-best 'start-time-d) =newgoal> ISA imaginary-update-selection subtask =best !focus-on! =newgoal )

(P apply-strategy-start-time-distance-with-car =goal> ISA apply-st main-type use-car subtype start-time-distance =icp> ISA icp name =current =s1> ISA subtask status nil =car> ISA car - status nolongeravailable ==> !bind! =best (find-best 'start-time-d) =newgoal> ISA imaginary-update-selection-car subtask =best !focus-on! =newgoal )

(P apply-strategy-end-time =goal> ISA apply-st main-type end-time subtype nil =s1> ISA subtask status nil ==> !bind! =best (find-best 'end-time) =newgoal> ISA imaginary-update-selection subtask =best !focus-on! =newgoal )

(P apply-strategy-end-time-with-car =goal> ISA apply-st main-type use-car subtype end-time =s1> ISA subtask status nil ==> !bind! =best (find-best 'end-time) =newgoal> ISA imaginary-update-selection-car subtask =best !focus-on! =newgoal )

(P apply-strategy-priority =goal> ISA apply-st main-type priority subtype nil =s1> ISA subtask status nil ==> !bind! =best (find-best 'priority) =newgoal> ISA imaginary-update-selection subtask =best !focus-on! =newgoal )

(P apply-strategy-priority-with-car =goal> ISA apply-st main-type use-car subtype priority =s1> ISA subtask status nil ==> !bind! =best (find-best 'priority) =goal> =newgoal> ISA imaginary-update-selection-car subtask =best !focus-on! =newgoal )

(P apply-strategy-use-car-simple =goal> ISA apply-st main-type use-car subtype simple temp nil =car> ISA car - status nolongeravailable ==> =new-undo> ISA undo-move subtask =s1 =goal> temp =s1 !push! =new-undo )

(P apply-strategy-use-car-simple-imagine =goal> ISA apply-st main-type use-car subtype simple temp imagine =car> ISA car - status nolongeravailable ==> =new-undo> ISA undo-move level imagine subtask =s1 =goal> temp =s1 subtype imagine !push! =new-undo )

(P apply-strategy-use-car-doit =goal> ISA apply-st main-type use-car - subtype imagine temp =s1 !eval! *possible* ==> =newgoal> ISA update-selection-car subtask =s1 !focus-on! =newgoal )

(P apply-strategy-use-car-doit-imagine =goal> ISA apply-st main-type use-car subtype imagine temp =s1 !eval! (monitoring?) !eval! *possible* ==> =newgoal> ISA imaginary-update-selection-car subtask =s1 !focus-on! =newgoal )

(P update-multiple =goal> ISA update-multiple subtasks =collected prev nil count =count success nil !eval! (not (equal (first =collected) 'car)) ==> !bind! =current (first =collected) !bind! =prev (list (first =collected)) !bind! =new-subtasks (cdr =collected) =newgoal> ISA update-selection subtask =current =goal> count (!eval! (- =count 1)) subtasks =new-subtasks prev =prev !push! =newgoal )

(P update-multiple-cont =goal> ISA update-multiple subtasks =collected prev =prev count =count success nil !eval! (not (equal (first =collected) 'car)) ==> !bind! =current (first =collected) !bind! =new-prev (cons (first =collected) =prev) !bind! =new-subtasks (cdr =collected) =newgoal> ISA update-selection subtask =current =goal> count (!eval! (- =count 1)) subtasks =new-subtasks prev =new-prev !push! =newgoal )

(P update-multiple-car =goal> ISA update-multiple subtasks =collected prev nil count =count - count 0 success nil !eval! (equal (first =collected) 'car) ==> !bind! =current (second =collected) !bind! =prev (cons (second =collected) (cons 'car =collected)) !bind! =new-subtasks (cddr =collected) =goal> count (!eval! (- =count 1)) subtasks =new-subtasks prev =prev =newgoal> ISA update-selection-car subtask =current !push! =newgoal )

(P update-multiple-car-cont =goal> ISA update-multiple subtasks =collected prev =prev count =count - count 0 success nil !eval! (equal (first =collected) 'car) ==> !bind! =current (second =collected) !bind! =new-prev (cons (second =collected) (cons 'car =collected)) !bind! =new-subtasks (cddr =collected) =goal> count (!eval! (- =count 1)) subtasks =new-subtasks prev =new-prev =newgoal> ISA update-selection-car subtask =current !push! =newgoal )

(P update-multiple-stop =goal> ISA update-multiple subtasks nil prev =prev count 0 ==> =goal> success yes !pop! )

(P update-multiple-stop-failure =goal> ISA update-multiple subtasks =collected prev =prev !eval! (not *possible*) ==> =goal> success no !pop! )

(P move-to-location =goal> ISA update-selection subtask =s1 =s1> ISA subtask =cp> ISA current-point name =s =dist> ISA distance-fact subtask1 =s subtask2 =s1 distance =distance ==> =s1> status selected travel =distance from =s =cp> name =s1 =new-eval> ISA evaluation subtask =s1 !eval! (update-selection =s1 =distance) !eval! (print-state) !focus-on! =new-eval )

(P move-to-location-imaginary =goal> ISA imaginary-update-selection subtask =s1 =s1> ISA subtask =icp> ISA icp name =s =dist> ISA distance-fact subtask1 =s subtask2 =s1 distance =distance ==> =s1> travel =distance from =s status selected =icp> name =s1 =new-eval> ISA pre-evaluation subtask =s1 !eval! (mental-update-selection =s1 =distance) !eval! (monitoring-state) !focus-on! =new-eval )

(P move-to-location-with-car =goal> ISA update-selection-car subtask =s1 =s1> ISA subtask =car> ISA car - status nolongeravailable =cp> ISA current-point name =s =dist> ISA distance-fact subtask1 =s subtask2 =s1 distance =distance ==> !bind! =new-distance (* 1/3 =distance) =s1> status selected travel =new-distance from =s how car =car> status nolongeravailable =cp> name =s1 =new-eval> ISA evaluation subtask =s1 !eval! (update-selection-car =s1 =distance) !eval! (print-state) !focus-on! =new-eval )

(P move-to-location-with-car-imaginary =goal> ISA imaginary-update-selection-car subtask =s1 =s1> ISA subtask =car> ISA car status nil =icp> ISA icp name =s =dist> ISA distance-fact subtask1 =s subtask2 =s1 distance =distance ==> !bind! =new-distance (* 1/3 =distance) =s1> travel =new-distance from =s how car status selected =car> status checked =icp> name =s1 =new-eval> ISA pre-evaluation subtask =s1 !eval! (mental-update-selection =s1 =new-distance) !eval! (monitoring-state) !eval! (setf *collection* (cons =s1 (cons 'car (cdr *collection*)))) !focus-on! =new-eval )

(P evaluate-move-good =goal> ISA evaluation subtask =s1 =s1> ISA subtask end-time =end-time start-time =start-time duration =duration !eval! (is-possible? =end-time) ==> !bind! =wait (calculate-wait =start-time) =s1> waiting =wait effective-duration =duration !eval! (incf *systime* =duration) !eval! (incf *systime* =wait) !eval! (setf *possible* t) !eval! (print-state) !pop! )

(P pre-eval-good =goal> ISA pre-evaluation subtask =s1 =s1> ISA subtask end-time =end-time start-time =start-time duration =duration !eval! (is-possible-in-the-brain? =end-time) ==> !bind! =wait (calculate-wait =start-time) =s1> waiting =wait effective-duration =duration !eval! (incf *time-est* =duration) !eval! (incf *time-est* =wait) !eval! (setf *possible* t) !eval! (monitoring-state) !pop! )

(P evaluate-move-bad =goal> ISA evaluation subtask =s1 =s1> ISA subtask end-time =end-time start-time =start-time duration =duration !eval! (not (is-possible? =end-time)) ==> !eval! (setf *possible* nil) !eval! (print-state) =s1> waiting 0 effective-duration 0 !pop! )

(P pre-eval-bad =goal> ISA pre-evaluation subtask =s1 =s1> ISA subtask end-time =end-time start-time =start-time duration =duration !eval! (not (is-possible-in-the-brain? =end-time)) ==> !eval! (monitoring-state) !eval! (setf *possible* nil) =s1> waiting 0 effective-duration 0 !pop! )

(P undo-move =goal> ISA undo-move - level imagine =cp> ISA current-point name =s1 =s1> ISA subtask duration =duration travel =t from =from-location waiting =w effective-duration =ed how nil ==> !eval! (undo-move =t =w =ed) !eval! (undo-monitoring =t =w =ed) !eval! (setf *possible* t) !eval! (print-state) =cp> name =from-location =s1> travel nil from nil status nil waiting 0 effective-duration 0 how nil =goal> subtask =s1 !pop! )

(P undo-move-imaginary =goal> ISA undo-move level imagine =icp> ISA icp name =s1 =s1> ISA subtask duration =duration travel =t from =from-location waiting =w effective-duration =ed how nil ==> !eval! (undo-monitoring =t =w =ed) !eval! (pop *collection*) !eval! (setf *possible* t) !eval! (monitoring-state) =icp> name =from-location =s1> travel nil from nil status nil waiting 0 effective-duration 0 how nil =goal> subtask =s1 !pop! )

(P undo-move-car =goal> ISA undo-move =cp> ISA current-point name =s1 =car> ISA car =s1> ISA subtask duration =duration travel =t from =from-location waiting =w effective-duration =ed how car ==> !eval! (undo-move-car =t =w =ed) !eval! (undo-monitoring =t =w =ed) !eval! (setf *possible* t) !eval! (print-state) =cp> name =from-location =car> status nil =s1> travel nil from nil status nil waiting 0 effective-duration 0 how nil =goal> subtask =s1 !pop! )

(P undo-move-car-imaginary =goal> ISA undo-move level imagine =icp> ISA icp name =s1 =car> ISA car =s1> ISA subtask duration =duration travel =t from =from-location waiting =w effective-duration =ed how car ==> !eval! (undo-monitoring =t =w =ed) !eval! (pop *collection*) !eval! (pop *collection*) !eval! (setf *possible* t) !eval! (monitoring-state) =icp> name =from-location =car> status nil =s1> travel nil from nil status nil waiting 0 effective-duration 0 how nil =goal> subtask =s1 !pop! )

(P reorder-start =goal> ISA reorder s1 nil s2 nil - level imagine ==> =newundo> ISA undo-move subtask =subtask =goal> s2 =subtask !push! =newundo )

(P reorder-start-imaginary =goal> ISA reorder level imagine s1 nil s2 nil ==> =newundo> ISA undo-move level imagine subtask =subtask =goal> s2 =subtask !push! =newundo )

(P reorder-continue =goal> ISA reorder s1 nil s2 =s2 - level imagine ==> =newundo> ISA undo-move subtask =subtask =goal> s1 =subtask !push! =newundo )

(P reorder-continue-imaginary =goal> ISA reorder level imagine s1 nil s2 =s2 ==> =newundo> ISA undo-move level imagine subtask =subtask =goal> s1 =subtask !push! =newundo )

(P reorder =goal> ISA reorder s1 =s1 s2 =s2 - level imagine ==> =secondmove> ISA update-selection subtask =s1 =firstmove> ISA update-selection subtask =s2 !focus-on! =secondmove !push! =firstmove )

(P reorder-imaginary =goal> ISA reorder level imagine s1 =s1 s2 =s2 ==> =secondmove> ISA imaginary-update-selection subtask =s1 =firstmove> ISA imaginary-update-selection subtask =s2 !focus-on! =secondmove !push! =firstmove )

(P undo-multiple =goal> ISA undo-multiple count =count - level imagine - count 0 ==> =goal> count (!eval! (1- =count)) =new-undo> ISA undo-move !push! =new-undo )

(P undo-multiple-imaginary =goal> ISA undo-multiple level imagine count =count - count 0 ==> =goal> count (!eval! (1- =count)) =new-undo> ISA undo-move level imagine !push! =new-undo )

(P undo-multiple-stop-imagine =goal> ISA undo-multiple count 0 level imagine ==> !pop! )

(P undo-multiple-stop =goal> ISA undo-multiple - level imagine count 0 ==> !pop! )


((V CAR L K D S) (V CAR L S K) (V) (L D K CAR V S)) ((V L) (L D V S K) (L D K CAR V S) (V CAR L S K)) ((V L) (V CAR L S) (V CAR L K D S) (V CAR L K S D)) ((L D K) (L S) (L D K CAR V S) (L D K CAR V S)) ((L D K CAR V S) (L S D) (CAR D L) (L CAR V) (L D K CAR V S)) ((D) (CAR D L) (V CAR L S K)) ((V CAR L S) (V CAR L K D S) (V CAR L K S D)) ((CAR D L) (L D K CAR V S)) ((CAR L D K) (L D K CAR V S)) ((L S CAR D K) (L S K CAR V D) (L D K CAR V S) (L D K CAR V S))))

(setf *expl* '(((L S D) (V L) (S) (L V CAR K) (L K) (V CAR L S K) (V CAR L K D S) (V CAR L K D) (V CAR L K) (V CAR L K S D)) ((L V S) (L V CAR K) (L K) (L S K) (L S K) (L V CAR K D S) (L V CAR K) (L K) (V L) (V CAR L K D S) (V CAR L K D S)) ((S) (V S) (V L) (V L) (V CAR L S K) (V CAR L K D S) (V CAR L K S D)) ((L S D K CAR V) (V L) (L S V) (L V) (D) (V CAR L K D S) (V CAR L K S D)) ((D K CAR V S) (V K) (V D) (V K) (D K CAR V S) (L D K CAR V S)) ((S) (L S V) (L V) (L D K CAR V S) (L D K S) (L D K CAR S V) (L D K CAR V S)) ((CAR L D S) (CAR L D K) (CAR L D V) (L D K CAR V S) (L S CAR K V) (L S K) (L S V CAR K) (L D K CAR S V) (L D K CAR V S)) ((L D) (L S V) (L S D) (L S CAR V K) (L S K CAR V D) (L S K D) (L S K V) (L V CAR K) (L D K CAR V S)) ((K) (S) (L S D) (L D K CAR V S)) ((CAR L S D) (V S L) (L D K CAR V S) (V CAR L K D S) (V S L) (CAR L D K) (V L) (V CAR L K S D)) ((L V CAR K) (L D K CAR V) (L D K CAR S) (L S V) (L S CAR D K) (L S CAR K) (S) (V L) (V CAR L K D S) (V CAR L K D S))

((V S) (V L) (L D V) (L D CAR V) (L V CAR K) (L K) (L S CAR K) (L S V) (L S K) (V L) (L V) (L K CAR V) (V CAR) (V CAR L K S D)) ((CAR L S D) (CAR L S V) (CAR L S K V) (CAR L S V) (CAR L S K V) (CAR L V K) (CAR L D K V) (CAR V L K) (CAR V L) (CAR V L) (CAR V L) (CAR V) (V CAR L K D S) (V CAR L K D S) (V CAR L K D S)) ((CAR L S V) (V CAR L K D S) (CAR V S) (CAR V L K) (V CAR L K D S) (V L) (V CAR L K) (V CAR L S) (CAR V K) (CAR V) (V CAR S) (V CAR S) (CAR L V) (V CAR L K) (V CAR L S K) (V CAR L K D S)) ((CAR D L) (CAR D L) (V S) (L S V CAR K) (L S K CAR V D) (L V S) (L D K) (V L) (S) (L D K) (L D S) (L D K CAR V S) (L D K CAR V S))

((D L) (L D K S) (L D K CAR V S) (L S D) (L S K CAR V) (D L K) (CAR D L) (CAR L D K) (V S CAR K) (V L) (V CAR L K D) (L K CAR V) (V L) (CAR V L K) (L S) (L D K CAR V S) (CAR L S D) (CAR L S K) (V S CAR K) (V L) (V CAR L K D S)) ((V CAR K) (V S CAR K) (V S CAR L) (V L) (V CAR L K) (V CAR L S K) (V S) (V L) (V CAR) (V L CAR K) (V CAR L K D S) (V CAR L S K) (V L CAR K) (V L) (V L CAR K) (V L) (V CAR L K D S) (V L CAR K) (V CAR L K D S)) ((L V) (L CAR V) (L D K CAR V S) (V S CAR K) (V S D) (V S L) (V L) (L) (CAR L S) (CAR L V K) (L V K) (L V CAR K) (L D K V) (L V) (V L) (V L) (V D K S L) (L D) (L S D CAR V) (L V) (L D K CAR V S)) ((V CAR K) (V CAR D) (V L) (V CAR L K D) (V S CAR K) (V S) (V L) (L V) (L S CAR D) (L S D) (L S V) (L S D) (L S V) (L S CAR V) (CAR L S) (CAR L V) (CAR L D K V) (V K) (V CAR D) (V CAR D K) (V S CAR K) (V L) (L D K CAR V S) (L D K CAR V S) (L D K CAR V S))))

(setf *possible* t)

(setf *collection* nil)

(setf *level* 'im)

(goal-focus goal)

(dolist (x (no-output (sdm isa distance-fact))) (sdp-fct (list x :base-level 5)))

(set-base-levels (foo 5) (car 2))

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BMFT project Complex problem solving
Complex problem solving research - Homepage
DFG-Projekt SMT
DFG-Projekt Kompetenzdiagnostik
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KOGNI Program Description
Forschungsthema: Neuropsychologie
Complex Problem Solving: Research Principles
 Plan-a-Day ACT-R model
 Therapie von Planungsstörungen mit Hilfe von Plan-A-Day
 Plan-a-Day Interface
 Therapie von Planungsstörungen mit Hilfe von Plan-A-Day - Manual
Research on Complex Problem Solving (Komplexes Problemlösen)
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Zuletzt bearbeitet am 30.08.2007 von JF.