Some information for Erasmus-students at the Department of Psychology in Heidelberg:
The lecture plan you'll find here (called LSF). For your first Learning Agreement use last year's lecture plan, until the relevant courses are online.
If you plan on coming in SummerSemester, please check last year's Summer lecture plan. A stay in Winter term means, check the prior Winter's plan.
Current courses are available online about 2-3 months before semester starts.
Online registration will be open about 4 weeks before courses start. You can register for seminars and some modules. Lectures cannot be registered for, but you just go there and enter your name in a list. Please get more information about application procedure and deadlines on our student councelling homepage.
Online registration is open for a week and possible with (you will get it when enroling) or without a student ID. You will find both links on Department of Psychology's news page.
You will receive no further notice of your classes selected. Please check yourself, you'll also find this information on our news page.
ECTS and LP are the same.
Language Requirements: Language of instruction in the undergraduate programme and in the majority of graduate programme classes is German. Accordingly, students should have a B1 level for the undergraduate and B2 for the graduate programme.
Transcript of Records
When the semester comes to an end you need to make sure that each professor of all of your classes fills out a Schein (certificate of achievement); you fill in your personal date, the professor needs to fill in the no. of ECTS, possibly your grade, and the Schein needs to be signed by the professor.
Hand over all collected Scheins to Ute Lorenz, she will then write your Transcript of Records.
After your Erasmus Stay in Heidelberg
Heidelberg University is very interested in keeping in touch with you – and all its alumni. Therefore the central alumni initiative of Heidelberg University, Heidelberg Alumni International (HAI), fosters the scientific and personal exchange among its former as well as current students and of course with the Alma Mater. A growing number of activities and a wide range of services are offered for you:
- HAIsociety – worldwide alumni network (professional and social interchange)
- HAInet – the alumni online platform
- HAImail – the alumni email address
- HAIlife – the alumni magazine
- HAInews – the alumni newsletter
- Alumni Career (Job Board, internship, University Career Services and Mentoring Program)
- Alumni events
- etc.
Joining is very easy: register for free with Heidelberg Alumni International and become part of HAIsociety, the worldwide alumni network of Heidelberg University:
More information: