To apply for an ERASMUS grant you need:
- a letter of motivation
- with curriculum vitae
- certificate of your academic achievements
- Proof of language skills expected.
Details can be found here
The most important forms can be found in this Heibox.
Expert opinion
Guidelines for an expert opinion on an application to the Erasmus program
- Name of the applicant
- Which country, which university is the application for?
- Where, when and under which circumstances did you meet the applicant? (e.g. in which event)
- Assessment of the applicant and performance characteristics during studies.
- General impression of the applicant with regard to an academic career.
- Evaluation of the motivation for and the benefit of the stay abroad.
- In comparison to other students with equivalent education, would you rank the applicant (very good / good / satisfactory)?
- Date, title, name and signature of the author of the evaluation.
Please send a single copy of the report with the other application documents to Ute Lorenz.