Department Educational Psychology


Who should I contact if I am interested in writing a thesis (bachelor's or master's thesis) in the Unit of Educational Psychology?

If you are interested in writing a thesis (bachelor's or master's thesis) in our unit, please reach out to individual team members or directly contact Prof. Dr. Birgit Spinath. It would be helpful if you already have an idea for a topic you would like to explore. Please refer to our research and projects pages to learn about our main research areas, or check the profile pages of our team members to find more detailed information about their research interests, publications, or any specific thesis topics they may offer.

On which topics can I write a thesis (bachelor's or master's thesis) in the Unit of Educational Psychology?

In principle, you can choose any topic within the research focus of our unit. Information on potential topics can be found on our research and projects pages. You are also welcome to propose your own topics (e.g. based on your PäPs II thesis paper). Just discuss this with our team members!

Where can I do an internship in the field of educational psychology (in the Heidelberg region)?

There are numerous institutions offering internships in the field of educational psychology within the Heidelberg region. You can find information on temporary and permanent internships through the internship exchange of the Institute of Psychology. Additionally, we have compiled a list of recommended internship positions in the field of educational psychology based on our experience. Some options include

You are also welcome to pursue a research internship in our unit, typically lasting approx. 6 months, i.e. one semester. If you are interested, please get in touch with us!

Which professional fields are open to me with a major in Educational Psychology?

Graduates in the field of educational psychology have various career paths available: The name Educational Psychology already suggests a strong connection to educational activities, such as school psychology services, counseling centers, children's and youth homes, and social institutions. Additionally, there are professional activities in adult education, involving personnel development and training programs. Educational psychologists also contribute to learning support and therapy, both of which are closely linked to clinical psychology.

For more information on potential career paths as an educational psychologist, we recommend consulting the book Berufsfelder der Pädagogischen Psychologie (Dickhäuser & Spinath, 2023) or visiting the career guidance pages of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) at