Research projects
Research project: Stress and Study Satisfaction (
Press release of the University of Heidelberg, 28.05.2013
The measuring instruments of the research project Stress and Study Satisfaction are published:
Schmidt, L. I., Scheiter, F., Neubauer, A. B. & Sieverding, M. (2019). Anforderungen, Entscheidungsfreiräume und Stress im Studium: Erste Befunde zu Reliabilität und Validität eines Fragebogens zu strukturellen Belastungen und Ressourcen (StrukStud) in Anlehnung an den Job Content Questionnaire. Diagnostica, 65, 63-74.
Further publication from the project: --------------------------------------------------------
Schmidt, L.I., Sieverding, M., Scheiter, F. & Obergfell, J. (2015).
Predicting and explaining students’ stress with the demand-control model: Does neuroticism also matter? Educational Psychology, 35, 449-465.
Sieverding, M., Schmidt, L.I., Obergfell, J. & Scheiter, F. (2013). Stress und Studienzufriedenheit bei Bachelor- und Diplom-Psychologiestudierenden im Vergleich: Eine Erklärung der Unterschiede mit dem Demand-Control Modell. Psychologische Rundschau, 64, 94-100.
Schmidt, L. & Obergfell, J. (2011). Zwangsjacke Bachelor?! Stressempfinden und Gesundheit Studierender: Der Einfluss von Anforderungen und Entscheidungsfreiräumen bei Bachelor- und Diplomstudierenden nach Karaseks Demand-Control-Modell. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
- Momentum Project Heidelberg
- ActiveAge
"When language and emotions diverge"
Bachelor and Master Theses
At present, Bachelor's and Master's theses on the following topics are being supervised:
- Self- and external assessment of academic achievement(s) under gender aspects (Sieverding)
- Psychosocial determinants and regulation of sleep (Schmidt, Sieverding)
Sexualisation and its effects as well as prototype research and preventive health behaviour in relation to meat consumption by men (failure)
Interested students who are considering writing a Bachelor's or Master's thesis in our field of work are also welcome to contact us by e-mail during the semester breaks!
Generally possible topics for Bachelor and Master theses in the field of Gender Studies & Health Psychology:
- Planning, implementation and evaluation of (short) interventions for health promotion (Master students only)
- Social standards and health-related behaviour
- Reactance phenomena
- Gender role self-concept and health-related behaviour
- prototypes and social images of health-related behaviour
- Explicit and implicit measurement of self-concepts and prototypes
- ...
Areas of behaviour: sleep, nutritional behaviour, stress reactivity, dealing with stress, meat consumption, sporting activity, fruit and vegetable consumption, precautionary behaviour...
Research types: questionnaires, interviews, experimental studies, field studies, diary studies, indirect measurement of attitudes, online studies...
Desirable conditions:
- Solid previous knowledge in health psychology: attendance of a lecture as well as attendance of a seminar - or several seminars - in the field of health psychology
- For gender issues, profound knowledge of gender studies (especially theories & constructs): attendance of a lecture, attendance of seminars in the field of gender studies (alternatively: solid knowledge of social psychology)
- Willingness to become fully acquainted with a subject area and to participate in the empirical research process