Department Gender Studies & Health Psychology


Research projects

  • Research project: Stress and Study Satisfaction ( Press release of the University of Heidelberg, 28.05.2013 )

    The measuring instruments of the research project Stress and Study Satisfaction are published:

    Schmidt, L. I., Scheiter, F., Neubauer, A. B. & Sieverding, M. (2019). Anforderungen, Entscheidungsfreiräume und Stress im Studium: Erste Befunde zu Reliabilität und Validität eines Fragebogens zu strukturellen Belastungen und Ressourcen (StrukStud) in Anlehnung an den Job Content Questionnaire. Diagnostica, 65, 63-74.

    Further publication from the project: --------------------------------------------------------
    Schmidt, L.I., Sieverding, M., Scheiter, F. & Obergfell, J. (2015).
    Predicting and explaining students’ stress with the demand-control model: Does neuroticism also matter? Educational Psychology, 35, 449-465.

    Sieverding, M., Schmidt, L.I., Obergfell, J. & Scheiter, F. (2013). Stress und Studienzufriedenheit bei Bachelor- und Diplom-Psychologiestudierenden im Vergleich: Eine Erklärung der Unterschiede mit dem Demand-Control Modell. Psychologische Rundschau, 64, 94-100.

    Schmidt, L. & Obergfell, J. (2011). Zwangsjacke Bachelor?! Stressempfinden und Gesundheit Studierender: Der Einfluss von Anforderungen und Entscheidungsfreiräumen bei Bachelor- und Diplomstudierenden nach Karaseks Demand-Control-Modell.  Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.

  • Momentum Project Heidelberg
  • ActiveAge
  • "When language and emotions diverge"

Bachelor and Master Theses

At present, Bachelor's and Master's theses on the following topics are being supervised:

  • Self- and external assessment of academic achievement(s) under gender aspects (Sieverding)
  • Psychosocial determinants and regulation of sleep (Schmidt, Sieverding)
  • Sexualisation and its effects as well as prototype research and preventive health behaviour in relation to meat consumption by men (failure)

Interested students who are considering writing a Bachelor's or Master's thesis in our field of work are also welcome to contact us by e-mail during the semester breaks!

Generally possible topics for Bachelor and Master theses in the field of Gender Studies & Health Psychology:

  • Planning, implementation and evaluation of (short) interventions for health promotion (Master students only)
  • Social standards and health-related behaviour
  • Reactance phenomena
  • Gender role self-concept and health-related behaviour
  • prototypes and social images of health-related behaviour
  • Explicit and implicit measurement of self-concepts and prototypes
  • ...

Areas of behaviour: sleep, nutritional behaviour, stress reactivity, dealing with stress, meat consumption, sporting activity, fruit and vegetable consumption, precautionary behaviour...

Research types: questionnaires, interviews, experimental studies, field studies, diary studies, indirect measurement of attitudes, online studies...

Desirable conditions:

  • Solid previous knowledge in health psychology: attendance of a lecture as well as attendance of a seminar - or several seminars - in the field of health psychology
  • For gender issues, profound knowledge of gender studies (especially theories & constructs): attendance of a lecture, attendance of seminars in the field of gender studies (alternatively: solid knowledge of social psychology)
  • Willingness to become fully acquainted with a subject area and to participate in the empirical research process