Research focus of Prof. Dr. Monika Sieverding:
- Perspectives Project
- Gender and health
- Psychological determinants of (non-) use of cancer screening tests for men (funded by Deutsche Krebshilfe, April 2004 - December 2007)
- Self-concept and professional development / Psychological barriers in the career path of women
Research focus of
M.Sc. Thomas Gerhardy
Research focus of
Dipl.-Psych. Fabian Scheiter
Research focus of
Dr. Laura I. Schmidt
Selected new publications:
- Sieverding, M., Ungar, N., Fleischmann, A. et al. (2020). Prevalence and frequency of self-management strategies among female cancer survivors: the neglected roles of social relations and conscious living. Support Care Cancer 28, 607â616.
- Sieverding, M, Arbogast, L, Zintel, S, von Wagner, C. (2020). Gender differences in selfâreported family history of cancer: A review and secondary data analysis. Cancer Med. 00: 1â9.
- Depenbusch, J, Haussmann, A, Tsiouris, A, et al. (2020). The association between physiciansâ exercise counseling and physical activity in patients with cancer: Which roles do patientsâ satisfaction and previous physical activity levels play? PsychoâOncology. 1â8.
- Schmidt, L. I., Scheiter, F., Neubauer, A. B. & Sieverding, M. (2019). Anforderungen, Entscheidungsfreiräume und Stress im Studium: Erste Befunde zu Reliabilität und Validität eines Fragebogens zu strukturellen Belastungen und Ressourcen (StrukStud) in Anlehnung an den Job Content Questionnaire. Diagnostica, 65, 63â74.
- von Wagner, C., Hirst, Y., Waller, J., Ghanouni, A., McGregor, L. M., Kerrison, R. S., ... & Stoffel, S. T. (2019). The impact of descriptive norms on motivation to participate in cancer screening â Evidence from online experiments. Patient education and counseling, 102(9), 1621â1628.
- Stoffel, S. T., Goodwin, M., Sieverding, M., Vlaev, I., & von Wagner, C. (2019). Testing verbal quantifiers for social norms messages in cancer screening: evidence from an online experiment. BMC public health, 19(1), 658.
- Steindorf, K., Depenbusch, J., Haussmann, A., Tsiouris, A., Schmidt, L., Hermann, S., ... & Ungar, N. (2019). Change patterns and determinants of physical activity differ between breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 1â12.
Ungar, N., Rupprecht, F. S., Steindorf, K., Wiskemann, J., & Sieverding, M. (2019, online first). Worse or even better than expected? Outcome expectancies and behavioral experiences in the context of physical activity among cancer patients. Journal of Health Psychology, doi: 1359105319832345.
Ungar, N., Tsiouris, A., Haussmann, A., Herbolsheimer, F., Wiskemann, J., Steindorf, K. & Sieverding, M. (2019, online first). To rest or not to rest - Health care professionalsâ attitude toward physical activity during cancer treatment. Psycho-Oncology, doi: 10.1002/pon.5020.
Sieverding, M., Specht, N.K. & Agines, S.G. (2019). âDon't drink too much!â Reactance following health-related social control. Amercian Journal of Menâs Health, 13, 1â15.
- Ungar, N., Schmidt, L., Gabrian, M., Haussmann, A., Tsiouris, A., Sieverding, M., Steindorf, K., Wiskemann , J. (2019). Which self-management strategies do health care professionals recommend to their cancer patients? An experimental investigation of patient age and treatment phase. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 42, 342â352.
- Haussmann, A., Gabrian, M., Ungar, N., Jooss, S., Wiskemann, J., Sieverding, M., & Steindorf, K. (2018). What hinders healthcare professionals in promoting physical activity towards cancer patients? The influencing role of healthcare professionals' concerns, perceived patient characteristics and perceived structural factors. European Journal of Cancer Care, 27(4), e12853.
- Haussmann, A., Ungar, N., Gabrian, M., Tsiouris, A., Sieverding, M., Wiskemann, J., & Steindorf, K. (2018). Are healthcare professionals being left in the lurch? The role of structural barriers and information resources to promote physical activity to cancer patients. Support Care in Cancer, 26, 4087â4096.
- Schmidt, L. I.*, Gabrian, M.*, Jansen, C.-P., Wahl, H.-W., & Sieverding, M. (2018). Extending research on self-regulation of physical activity in older age: Role of views on aging within an intensive ambulatory assessment scheme. Journal of Self-regulation and Regulation, 4, 43â59.
- Sieverding M, Eib C, Neubauer AB, Stahl T (2018) Can lifestyle preferences help explain the persistent gender gap in academia? The âmothers work lessâ hypothesis supported for German but not for U.S. early career researchers. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0202728.