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Literatur Kognitive Ethnologie und Kulturvergleichende Psychologie (Jürg Wassmann)

Vorbemerkung: Es handelt sich um eine umfangreiche, unkommentierte Literatursammlung zum Themenkomplex Kognitive Ethnologie und Kulturvergleichende Psychologie, erstellt von Jürg Wassmann, 1.11.98, für die Teilnehmer am Seminar Kognitionsforschung aus der Sicht von Ethnologie und Psychologie.

Weitere Literaturlisten:

Kommentierte Literatur zur Kognitiven Ethnologie

Kommentierte Literatur zur Kognitiven Psychologie

Aebli, H. 1981. Denken: Das Ordnen des Tuns. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.

Agar, M. 1980. Hermeneutics in Anthropology. A review essay. Ethos 8 (1): 253-72.

Agar, M. 1982. Whatever happened to cognitive anthropology. A partial review. Human Organisation 41:82-86.

Agar, M.H. and Hobbs, J.R. 1985. How to grow schemata out of interviews. In J.W.D. Dougherty (ed.), Directions in cognitive anthropology, pp. 413-31.

Agar, M.H. 1986. Speaking of ethnography. Beverly Hills: Sage. (Qualitative Research Methods Series 2).

Anderson, J.R. 1976. Language, memory and thought. Hillsdale (N.J).: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Anderson, J.R. 1983. The architecture of cognition. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press.

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Atran, S. 1990. Cognitive foundations of natural history. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Baddeley, A. 1997. Human memory. Theory and practice (revised edition). Hove (UK): Psychology Press.

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Berlin, B., Breedlove, D.E. and Raven, P.H. 1974. Principles of Tzeltal plant classification. An introduction to the botanical ethnography of a Mayan-speaking people of Highland Chiapas. New York, London: Academic Press. (Language, thought and culture. Advances in the study of cognition.)

Bernard, H.R., Pelto, P.J., Werner, O., Boster, J., Romney, A.K., Johnson, A., Ember C.R., and Kasakoff, A. 1986. The construction of primary data in cultural anthropology. Current Anthropology (27), pp. 382-396.

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Berry, J.W., Poortinga, Y.H., Segall, M.H., and Dasen, P.R. 1992. Cross-cultural psychology: research and applications. New York: Cambridge University Press.

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Black, M.B. 1969. Eliciting folk taxonomy in Ojibwa. In St. Tyler (ed.), Cognitive anthropology, pp. 165-89.

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Bloch, M. 1991. Language, anthropology and cognitive science. Man 26 (2): 183-198.

Bloch, M. 1995. Le cognitif et l´ethnographique. Gradhiva 17: 45-54.

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Bock, Ph.K. 1980. Continuities in psychological anthropology. A historical introduction. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman.

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Working Papers der Cognitive Anthropology Research Group am MPI für Psycholinguistik in Nijmegen: ca 50 Manuskripte zum Thema "Raum", "deixis", "Bewegung" (Institut für Ethnologie)

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