Dr. Lena Steindorf

Dr. Lena ­ Steindorf



Sekretariat Allgemeine Psychologie und kognitive Selbstregulation
Hauptstraße 49
69117 Heidelberg


  • Ursachen und Auswirkungen gedanklichen Abschweifens
  • Messung gedanklichen Abschweifens
  • Blickbewegungen als Indikatoren kognitiver Prozesse

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- Press -

www.dasgehirn.info - Frage an das Gehirn: Warum fließt die Kreativität unter der Dusche?

- Publications -

Steindorf, L., Pink, S., Rummel, J., & Smallwood, J. (in press). When there is noise on Sherlock Holmes – Mind wandering increases with perceptual processing difficulty during reading and listening. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications.

Steindorf, L. , Rummel, J., & Boywitt, C. D. (2021). A fresh look at the Unconscious Thought Effect: Using mind-wandering measures to investigate thought processes in decision problems with high information load. Frontiers in Psychology, 12 , 545928.

Rummel, J., Hagemann, D., Steindorf, L. , & Schubert, A. L. (2021). How consistent is mind wandering across situations and tasks? A latent state–trait analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition . Advance online publication.

Twardawski, M., Steindorf, L. , Thielmann, I. (2021). Three pillars of physical distancing: Anxiety, prosociality, and rule compliance during the COVID-19-pandemic. Collabra: Psychology 7, 22511 .

Fischer, M., Twardawski, M., Steindorf, L. , Thielmann, I. (2021). Stockpiling during the COVID-19 pandemic as  a real-life social dilemma: A person-situation perspective. Journal of Research in Personality, 91, 104075 .

Steindorf, L . , Hammerton, H. A., Rummel, J. (2020). Mind wandering outside the box – About the role of off- task thoughts and their assessment during creative incubation. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.  Advance online publication.

Rummel, J., Iwan, F., Steindorf, L . , Danek, A. (2020). The role of attention for insight problem solving: effects of mindless and mindful incubation periods. Journal of Cognitive Psychology. Advance online publication.

Steindorf, L. , & Rummel, J. (2020). Do your eyes give you away? A validation study of eye-movement measures used as indicators for mindless reading. Behavior Research Methods. 52 , 162-176. 

Rummel, J., Steindorf, L. , Marevic, I., & Danner, D. (2019). A validation study of the German complex-span tasks and some general considerations on task translation procedures in cognitive psychology. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 35, 725-736.

Steindorf, L. , & Rummel, J. (2017). “I should not forget the apples!”—Mind‐wandering episodes used as opportunities for rehearsal in an interrupted recall paradigm. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 31 , 424-430.